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    • #544

      Website has been upgraded to ensure the latest security updates.

      Also the process of updating the Trees as begun. There is not one single tree following the Argyll line and the claimed connection. DNA will be added over time. In the meantime Admin Kevin has created an outline of what we currently know in the form of a PDF file. I will be making that available for download.

      With the Project having about 200 distinct genetic Y-DNA lineages there will be many many trees to be searched eventually. Admin and updating will take time. You can check Wikitree to see what progress the Project has been able to make there, but it’s best t6o double check a claimed result with a DNA Team member (we don not have complete control over what is added there so updating can be a slow process there as well).

    • #591

      Basically I’m repeating the things I did above! I’m about to pick up where I left off on the Trees portion of the website. Before I simply cleaned up all the “extra” Trees from a previous version of the website. Now I’m going to work on updates to the One Tree. I’ve been doing a ton of research behind the scenes, particularly on higher quality sources for the Tree entries. I’ll also begin to add Y-DNA information to the entries that we have discovered through the work within the Campbell DNA Project. Lastly, I’ll be looking at restructuring the articles presented on the front page. Most of them are news items, with actual articles mixed in. I want to separate those out for easier access to information. I you have any suggestions feel free to use the Contact form found under the Home entry in the Menu. I’ll likely change the Menu a bit as well. Have a great day!

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