The actual origins of the Campbells of Inverawe are not quite known yet. The latest thinking on paper was that they likely descend from Duncan Crosta thought to be the brother of Colin Iongantach. But recent bigY700 testing have shown this to cause severe complications genetically speaking casting doubt in the assignment. What has also come to light is that the “son of Duncan” share a common ancestor with the MacTavishes of Dunardy, whose name means “son of Thomas”. Legend has it that a Thomas from this line had a son named Duncan. And such a placement for Inverawe would relieve the complications the current assignment has under Duncan Crosta, supposed brother to Colin Iongantach.
The family of the now suspected to be fictional Duncan Campbell and Mary McCoy (thought to actually be Mary Ramsay) is descended from this line, how the are descended is not yet known.
Expected haplogroup: R-FT66561
See Trees for more details.