
Account of the Clan-Iver link to the online book

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    • #477

        Here’s the link in the library to Account of the Clan-Iver which Jules Anderson included in her Critical Works page here in the website. (See under Resources in menu)

        This should form the basis of the research for this group I would think. We have to keep in mind that many of the connections between various McIver-Campbell families that are put forth in the book have been discredited. However, that presents to us the opportunity to identify the various families and hopefully one day get BigY kits on each one of the lines described.

        Doing so would help us to be able to make an educated guess as to the true origins of each line, and hopefully  find that one or more of t6he families does indeed fit the legendary origins found in the Clan lore. Feelf ree to share your thoughts 🙂

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