
Where are the MacIver-Campells?

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    • #388

      As noted in the group description, the MacTavish-Campbells related to the Campbells of Lochow have definitely shown up in the DNA results for the Project. However, that has not been the case for the other half of the legendary account in the form of MacIver-Campbells in the haplotree. Where are they? This group is devoted to providing an answer to that question. On paper we have MacIver-Campbells located on the Cowal peninsula, but to date there are no Y-DNA test kits associated with that branch that I am aware of (ultimately Asknish). Known haplogroup candidates are limited (R-BY162202?). There have been other MAcIver-Campbells, however they exist in branches that do not have a relationship with the Campbells of Lochow that would fit with the legend and MacTavish-Campbell results (R-S744). Have they just not tested to date? Did they “daughter out” on the male line? All these avenues (Asknish and related) need to be investigated here.

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