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Tom Duescher

DNA Team


Researcher, Admin of Campbell Y-DNA Facebook Page


Research focus:

Research on the Cawdor Campbell line and a likely connection to the 2nd Earl of Argyll from my Campbell Brother-in-Law Admin for the Campbell Y-DNA study group on Facebook
Have been doing Genealogy since 1980 –   Read that has Microfilm research
Doing Autosomal DNA since its inception for every line of my Family
Doing Y-DNA – manage four Y-700 kits for Campbell testing
Have two Y-700 tests for my line
Have assisted in getting eight additional Y-700  testers for the Campbell lines.
Inducted my GG Grandfather and his brother into the Paper Maker international Hall of fame based on my genealogy research to an audience of 800 people.

Business career:

US Navy – Radar and Computer operations and maintenance
Engineering Manager (Computers) in Jacksonville, FL
Regional Engineering Manager for Philadelphia and New York City with my office in NYC
North East Systems engineering Manager located in Connecticut
Eastern US Systems Manager in Minneapolis, MN
Marketing Manager for Computer Systems
Manager of Eastern US Systems Engineers
International Sales and Systems engineering manager (Worldwide)
International European sales Manager
Midwestern Sales of large scale Disk Arrays
Eastern US and Canada Vice president of Sales for Seagate Corporation ($400 million division)




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