Notes |
- Notes taken from "History of the Counties of Ayr and Wigtown" by James Paterson, vol 1, Edinburgh: 1863
Hew CAMPBELL of Netherplace--will recorded in 1640. Drawing from that it would appear that his first wife was Margaret PETHEINE, probably from the Auchinlongford family. His second wife is not named, and is believed to be deceased at that time as well. Children mentioned are: John, Margaret, and Mary (children of first marriage) and George and Marion (children from second marriage). However, he is succeeded by his eldest son (why he is not mentioned above I don't know).
Notes taken from "History of the Counties of Ayr & Wigton Scotland: Cunninghame"
Mungo Campbell, who shot Lord Eglintoun, was born in 1712, and 'was one of a family of twenty-four cliildren. He was a great-grandson of Hugh Campbell of Netherplace, who was alive in 1617-31. His father, Mungo Campbell, was Provost of Ayr, and married Agnes Rankin, one of the heirs portioners of Bankhead. Her sister, Abigail Rankin, married Campbell of Horsecleuch (Skerrington). Provost Campbell was son of the Rev. Hew Campbell of Oxinshaw, afterwards of Waterhaughs, minister of Muirkirk, by his first wife, Elizabetli, daughter of Reid of Pennyland. The Rev. Hew Campbell was the eldest son of Hugh Campbell of Netherplace, 1617-31, by his second wife, Janet Campbell.