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- No such precaution had been taken when baptizing Mungo No. 2, and he, being a black-a-vice man, had to go through life as "Black Mungo." He was a grandnephew of John Campbell senior, through his brother, Mungo Campbell of Kailzie. Kailzie married Miss Nutter, of a West Indian family (unde Mungo Nutter), and was the father of Alexander Campbell of Hay Lodge, Peebleshire, who, from his West India property, was known as "Marran." Marran married Catherine Robertson, daughter of John Robertson, West India merchant, Glasgow, and was the father of Black Mungo. Black Mungo married Isabella Craigie Alston, daughter of John Gordon, first of Aikenhead, and had, with one daughter still living, two sons, Alexander and John Gordon, both dead without issue. Black Mungo had strong military tastes, and put both sons in the army, Alexander in the 17th Lancers, and John Gordon in the 42nd or Black Watch, the old corps of his great-great-grandfather, Captain Alexander. Black Mungo, his father, and, we believe, his grandfather were all partners in the house.