Surname List

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" ( ? A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

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1. "Mor" (1)

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1. (?) (4)
2. (Campbell) (2)
   3. (Clerk) (1)
4. (Dunlap) (1)
   5. (Lamont?) (1)
6. (Maxwell) (10)
   7. (Ranald) (1)

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1. ? (9)
   2. ?? (2)
   3. ??? (9)

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1. Abercrombie (1)
2. Abercromby (1)
3. Abney-Hastings (4)
4. Adair (1)
5. Adams (3)
6. Adcock (1)
7. Adderley (1)
8. Agnew (2)
   9. Aids (1)
10. Aitken (1)
11. Alexander (2)
12. Allison (5)
13. Amabilla (1)
14. Anderson (1)
15. Andrew (2)
16. Angus (1)
   17. Annesley (1)
18. Anstruther (1)
19. Anstruther-Gray (1)
20. Antrim (1)
21. Arawhiti (1)
22. Arbuthnot (4)
23. Arbutthnott (1)
24. Archer (1)
   25. Argyll (1)
26. Armstrong (1)
27. Arnot (1)
28. Atkinson (1)
29. Auchendarroch (1)
30. Auchenleck (1)
31. Auchinbreck (1)
32. Austin (1)
   33. Avelina (1)
34. Awatere (1)
35. Awhikam (1)
36. Awhikau (1)
37. Aytoun (1)

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1. Bachop (1)
2. Bacon (2)
3. Bailey (1)
4. Baille (1)
5. Baillie (2)
6. Bain (1)
7. Bainbridge (1)
8. Baird (1)
9. Balfour (1)
10. Ball (2)
11. Balla (1)
12. Ballachron (1)
13. Ballard (1)
14. Balneaves (1)
15. Ban (1)
16. Banks (3)
17. Bannatyne (6)
18. Bannerman (1)
19. Barber (2)
20. Barcaldine (1)
21. Barclay (3)
22. Barde (1)
23. Barnard (1)
24. Barnes (1)
   25. Barrichebean (1)
26. Barrington (3)
27. Barron (1)
28. Barstow (1)
29. Bart (1)
30. Basset (1)
31. Batten (1)
32. Bayard (2)
33. Bayley (1)
34. Bayly (2)
35. Bayne (1)
36. Baynham (1)
37. Beadon (1)
38. Beard (2)
39. Beaton (3)
40. Beatoun (1)
41. Beaufort (1)
42. Beaumont (1)
43. Bedoire (1)
44. Beg (1)
45. Begbie (1)
46. Bell (1)
47. Bentley (1)
48. Beresford-Hope (1)
   49. Berman (1)
50. Bernie (1)
51. Beth (1)
52. Betham (5)
53. Bethune (3)
54. Bethune\Beaton (1)
55. Betts (1)
56. Bevan (1)
57. Bickerstaffe (1)
58. Birrell (1)
59. Black (2)
60. Blackwood (1)
61. Blagrove (10)
62. Blair (3)
63. Blaire (1)
64. Blake (1)
65. Blalock (1)
66. Blanch (1)
67. Blanchard (1)
68. Bligh (1)
69. Blood (2)
70. Blyton (1)
71. Bogle (4)
72. Boill (1)
   73. Bolling (2)
74. Bonner (1)
75. Booth (1)
76. Borough (1)
77. Borthwick (1)
78. Boswell (6)
79. Bothwell (1)
80. Bovill (1)
81. Bowden (1)
82. Bowen (1)
83. Bowie (1)
84. Bowles (1)
85. Boyd (4)
86. Boydell (1)
87. Boyle (1)
88. Brabazon (1)
89. Braganzas (1)
90. Braithwaite (1)
91. Branche (1)
92. Brand (1)
93. Brent (2)
94. Briggs (1)
95. Brinkman (1)
96. Briscoe (1)
   97. Brodie (3)
98. Bromley (1)
99. Brooke (2)
100. Brougham (1)
101. Brown (6)
102. Browne (2)
103. Bruce (10)
104. Brydie (1)
105. Buchanan (10)
106. Buchannan (2)
107. Budge (1)
108. Budgett (1)
109. Buie (3)
110. Burden (1)
111. Burdon (2)
112. Burgoyne (1)
113. Burn (1)
114. Burnley-Campbell (3)
115. Burns (1)
116. Burrell (1)
117. Burt (1)
118. Bury (1)
119. Butter (4)
120. Bywater (1)

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1. Cadbury (2)
2. Cadogan (1)
3. Caimbeul (1)
4. Cairncross (1)
5. Calder (2)
6. Callander (1)
7. Callendar (3)
8. Cambel (29)
9. Cameron (19)
10. Cameron-Campbell (4)
11. Campbel (1)
12. Campbell (4791)
13. Campbell-Bannerman (1)
14. Campbell-Douglas (1)
15. Campbell-Hooke (1)
16. Campbell-Wyndham (1)
17. Cannon (1)
18. Carandini (1)
19. Carlyle (1)
20. Carmichael (2)
21. Carpenter (1)
22. Carr (1)
   23. Carr-Ellison (1)
24. Carrington (1)
25. Carswell (1)
26. Carter (3)
27. Carter-Campbell (10)
28. Carty (1)
29. Cath (1)
30. Cave-Browne-Cave (1)
31. Cavendish (2)
32. Cawdor (1)
33. Cayce (1)
34. Cedercreutz (1)
35. Chalmer (1)
36. Chalmers (2)
37. Chamney (1)
38. Chapman (1)
39. Charteris (1)
40. Cheeseborough (1)
41. Chesley (1)
42. Chief (1)
43. Childers (1)
44. Chisholm (1)
   45. Cholmondeley (1)
46. Christina (1)
47. Church (1)
48. Claiborne (4)
49. Clark (2)
50. Clarke (4)
51. Claughton (2)
52. Clavering (2)
53. Cleghorn (1)
54. Clifton (2)
55. Clocte (1)
56. Cochrane (1)
57. Cockburn (3)
58. Cockburn-Campbell (6)
59. Coke (1)
60. Colden (1)
61. Coldstream (1)
62. Cole (2)
63. Colegate (1)
64. Colin (1)
65. Collier (1)
66. Colonsay (1)
   67. Colquboun (1)
68. Colquhoun (17)
69. Colville (3)
70. Comrie (1)
71. Comyn (1)
72. Connell (1)
73. Constable (1)
74. Cook (2)
75. Cooper (1)
76. Copeland (1)
77. Copeman (1)
78. Corbet (1)
79. Cornwallis (3)
80. Coventry (1)
81. Cowan (2)
82. Cowdy (1)
83. Cowen (1)
84. Craigie (1)
85. Cram (1)
86. Crauford (2)
87. Crawford (14)
88. Creek (1)
   89. Crichton (2)
90. Crieff (1)
91. Cro (1)
92. Crooks (1)
93. Cross (4)
94. Crow (1)
95. Crutcher (1)
96. Crutzher (1)
97. Cummings (1)
98. Cumyn (1)
99. Cuninghame (1)
100. Cunningham (20)
101. Cunningham-Fairlie (1)
102. Cunninghame (3)
103. Cunninghamme (1)
104. Cunyngham (1)
105. Currie (3)
106. Curtright (1)
107. Cuthbert (1)

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1. Dairymple (1)
2. Dale (8)
3. Dalgleish (2)
4. Dalmahoy (1)
5. Dalrymple (2)
6. Dandridge (1)
7. Daniel (1)
8. Darroch (1)
9. Davenport (1)
10. David (1)
11. Davidson (2)
12. Davis (2)
   13. De Brus (7)
14. de Burgh (3)
15. de Crawford (2)
16. de Faslane (3)
17. de Kilconcath (1)
18. de Lauder (1)
19. de Moravia (1)
20. de Morgan (1)
21. de Reynaud (1)
22. de Ross (1)
23. de Silva (1)
24. Dean (1)
   25. Delap (1)
26. Dempster (1)
27. Denman (1)
28. Denniston (1)
29. Dennistoun (4)
30. Dick (3)
31. Dickinson (1)
32. Dill (1)
33. Dinwiddie (1)
34. Dirkson (1)
35. Doak (1)
36. Dodds (1)
   37. Dolan (1)
38. Donaldson (1)
39. Donchall (1)
40. Dougall (1)
41. Doughty (1)
42. Douglas (27)
43. Douglas-Campbell (1)
44. Dow (2)
45. Downey (1)
46. Drummond (27)
47. Drumond (1)
48. Drury (1)
   49. Duchesnay (1)
50. Duckworth (1)
51. Dudley (1)
52. Duff (1)
53. Dunbar (3)
54. Duncan (5)
55. Duncanson (1)
56. Dundas (2)
57. Dune (1)
58. Dunlop (3)
59. Dunston (1)
60. Durand (1)

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1. Eaill (1)
2. Earl (1)
3. Ebden\Ebdon (1)
   4. Eckert (1)
5. Edmonstone (3)
6. Edwards (5)
   7. Efferic (1)
8. Eliot (1)
9. Elizabeth (1)
   10. Ellis (1)
11. Ellison (1)
12. Elphinstone (3)
   13. Erskine (6)
14. Esther (1)
15. Everard (1)

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1. Fahey (1)
2. Fairlie (2)
3. Fallissdaill (1)
4. Farquhar (4)
5. Farquharson (1)
6. Farris (1)
7. Fearnside (1)
8. Ferguson (2)
   9. Ferrier (1)
10. Ferrybank (1)
11. ffrench-Constant (1)
12. Figdor (1)
13. Findlay (1)
14. Finlay (1)
15. Finley (2)
16. Fish (1)
   17. Fisher (5)
18. Fitzalan-Howard (1)
19. Fitzgerald (3)
20. Fitzgibbon (1)
21. Fleming (5)
22. Fletcher (1)
23. Floyd (1)
24. Fogo (1)
   25. Forbes (6)
26. Forester (1)
27. Forrester (3)
28. Foster (2)
29. Fotheringham (1)
30. Foulis (1)
31. Fowler (1)
32. Frances (1)
   33. Frank (1)
34. Fraser (11)
35. Frazer (5)
36. Freeman (1)
37. Frere (1)
38. Friend (1)
39. Furuhjelm (1)

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1. Gage (1)
2. Gaither (1)
3. Galloway (1)
4. Garden (1)
5. Garnes (1)
6. Gascoyne (1)
7. Gavin (2)
8. Gayne (1)
9. Generations (1)
10. Georg (1)
11. Georges (1)
12. Gerrard (1)
   13. Gibbes (1)
14. Gibbon (1)
15. Gibbs (1)
16. Gibson (4)
17. Gillis\Gillies (1)
18. Gilmilnscroft (1)
19. Gilstrap (1)
20. Gipps (1)
21. Givens (1)
22. Glasreth (1)
23. Glass (1)
24. Glassary (3)
   25. Glassel (1)
26. Glassell (1)
27. Glen (1)
28. Glenorchy (2)
29. Glenurchy (1)
30. Glover (8)
31. Gocse (1)
32. Gomperty (1)
33. Goodall (1)
34. Goodenough (1)
35. Goodlatt (1)
36. Gordan (2)
   37. Gordon (14)
38. Gore (1)
39. Gosvenor (1)
40. Gower (1)
41. Gowerty (1)
42. Graham (13)
43. Grant (6)
44. Granville (1)
45. Gray (3)
46. Greenway (1)
47. Greenwood (2)
48. Greer (1)
   49. Grey (2)
50. Griffiths (1)
51. Grimes (1)
52. Grimston (1)
53. Guard (2)
54. Gunn (1)
55. Gunning (9)
56. Gwaltnay (1)

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1. Hackson (1)
2. Hagart (1)
3. Hailes (1)
4. Haining (1)
5. Haldane (1)
6. Haliburton (9)
7. Hall (3)
8. Hallyburton (3)
9. Halton (1)
10. Halyburton (1)
11. Hamilton (20)
12. Hanna (1)
13. Hannah (3)
14. Hansis (1)
   15. Hardy (2)
16. Harrington (1)
17. Harris (1)
18. Harrop (1)
19. Harvey (3)
20. Harvie (1)
21. Harwood (1)
22. Hastings (5)
23. Hathorn (1)
24. Haveneyer (1)
25. Hawdon (1)
26. Hay (14)
27. Hays (4)
28. Hearsey (1)
   29. Hemsworth (1)
30. Henderson (3)
31. Hendon (1)
32. Hennessy (1)
33. Henry (6)
34. Hepburn (3)
35. Hereford (1)
36. Heriot (1)
37. Herring (3)
38. Hervey (1)
39. Hickman (1)
40. Hicks (1)
41. Higginson (2)
42. Hilhouse (1)
   43. Hilsop (1)
44. Hinepau (1)
45. Hobgood (1)
46. Hodges (1)
47. Hodson (1)
48. Hogg (3)
49. Hohoy (1)
50. Holles (1)
51. Holton (1)
52. Home (2)
53. Horne (1)
54. Horo (1)
55. Houston (4)
56. Hovy (1)
   57. Howard (2)
58. Howley (1)
59. Huddleston (1)
60. Hugely (1)
61. Hughes (1)
62. Huison (1)
63. Hull (1)
64. Hume (7)
65. Hume-Campbell (4)
66. Hungerford (3)
67. Hunter (13)
68. Hurd (1)
69. Hutchison (1)
70. Hyde (1)

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1. Ilk (1)
2. Ingleby (1)
   3. Inglis (2)
4. Ingraham (2)
   5. Innes (1)
6. Iriel (1)
   7. Isaac (1)
8. Isabella (1)
   9. Islay (1)
10. Izard (3)

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1. Jackson (1)
2. James (4)
3. Jane (1)
   4. Jarvis (1)
5. Jauncey (1)
6. Jekey (1)
   7. Jenkinson (1)
8. Jennings (1)
9. Jervis (2)
   10. Joan (1)
11. Johnson (4)
12. Johnston (2)
   13. Johnstone (3)
14. Jones (5)
15. Juliana (1)

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1. Karaka (4)
2. Katherine (1)
3. Keir (1)
4. Keith (5)
5. Kelburn (1)
6. Kelly (1)
   7. Kemara (4)
8. Kemeys-Tynte (1)
9. Kennedy (21)
10. Kenneth (1)
11. Kennoway (1)
12. Ker (7)
   13. Kernan (1)
14. Kerr (3)
15. Kiernander (1)
16. Killpatrick (1)
17. King (4)
18. Kinghorn (1)
   19. Kingsley (1)
20. Kinloch (2)
21. Kinnersley (2)
22. Kinross (1)
23. Kirk (2)
24. Kirkham (1)
   25. Kirkwood (1)
26. Knowles (1)
27. Knox (1)
28. Knyvett (1)
29. Kraft (1)

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1. Lachlan (1)
2. Lake (1)
3. Lambie (1)
4. Lamont (26)
5. Lamont-Campbell (1)
6. Lancaster (1)
7. Lane (2)
8. Lang (1)
9. Larking (2)
10. Latham (1)
11. Lauder (2)
   12. Lauderdale (1)
13. Launce (3)
14. Laurence (2)
15. Lawmonth (1)
16. Leckie (1)
17. Legh (1)
18. Legh-Claughton (1)
19. Lehmann (1)
20. Leiter (1)
21. Lendrum (1)
22. Leslie (3)
   23. Lewis (1)
24. Lichtoun (1)
25. Lillingston (1)
26. Lilly (1)
27. Lindsay (13)
28. Lindsey (1)
29. Linvingstone (1)
30. Littler (1)
31. Livingston (1)
32. Livingstone (1)
33. Lloyd (3)
   34. LNU (1)
35. Lochbuie (1)
36. Lockhart (4)
37. Logan (3)
38. Lokhart (1)
39. Long (1)
40. Longham (1)
41. Lord (2)
42. Loring (1)
43. Lorne (1)
44. Lort (2)
   45. Lothe (1)
46. Louise (1)
47. Love (1)
48. Lucas (1)
49. Lucy (1)
50. Ludlow (1)
51. Lyon (3)
52. Lyonn (1)
53. Lyons (1)
54. Lyoun (1)
55. Lytle (2)

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1. M'Achin (1)
2. M'Auley (1)
3. M'Awley (1)
4. M'Cowle (1)
5. M'Eacharn (2)
6. M'Iver (1)
7. M'Nachtan (1)
8. M'Nicol (1)
9. M'Oran (1)
10. Mac Raghnuill (1)
11. Mac-Ewir (1)
12. MacAlister (1)
13. MacAllister (16)
14. Macaulay (1)
15. MacBean (1)
16. MacCallum (3)
17. MacCalman (4)
18. MacCaurre (2)
19. MacColla (1)
20. MacCorquodale (1)
21. MacDiarmid (1)
22. MacDomhnaill (1)
23. MacDonald (23)
24. MacDougal (12)
25. MacDougall (8)
26. MacDuff (1)
27. MacEryr (1)
28. MacFarlane (9)
29. MacFiachar (2)
30. MacGiallamoire (1)
31. MacGregor (13)
32. MacIan (1)
33. MacIlaine (1)
34. MacIntosh (2)
35. MacIntyre (1)
36. MacIver (5)
37. MacIver-Campbell (1)
38. MacKay (3)
39. Mackellar (1)
   40. MacKenzie (6)
41. Mackereecher (1)
42. Mackie-Campbell (1)
43. Mackintosh (2)
44. MacLachlan (20)
45. MacLane (1)
46. MacLaren (2)
47. MacLauchlan (2)
48. MacLauclan (1)
49. MacLaughlane (1)
50. MacLaughlin (1)
51. MacLean (22)
52. MacLeay (1)
53. MacLeod (9)
54. Macliver (1)
55. MacNab (4)
56. MacNachtan (1)
57. MacNaughtan (1)
58. MacNaughton (3)
59. MacNeil (5)
60. MacNeiladge (1)
61. MacNeill (11)
62. MacOlvorie (1)
63. Maconchy (1)
64. Macphail (1)
65. MacPherson (5)
66. Macquarie (1)
67. MacRae (1)
68. MacRea (2)
69. MacRuari (1)
70. MacSween (2)
71. MacTavish (5)
72. Magruder (1)
73. Mailer (2)
74. Maitland (1)
75. Maitland-Kirwan (1)
76. Majorbanks (1)
77. Malcolm (4)
78. Manderville (1)
   79. Mar (1)
80. Margaret (2)
81. Marie (1)
82. Marlow (1)
83. Marshall (7)
84. Martin (2)
85. Marx (1)
86. Matthew (2)
87. Matthews (1)
88. Maule (1)
89. Maurice (2)
90. Maury (1)
91. Maxwell (13)
92. Mayberry (1)
93. Mays (1)
94. McAllister (6)
95. McClellan (1)
96. McClung (1)
97. McClure (1)
98. McColl (1)
99. McConnell (1)
100. McCorkle (1)
101. McCormick (1)
102. McCoy (1)
103. McCreath (1)
104. McCredie (1)
105. McCutcheon (1)
106. McDonald (6)
107. McDowell (1)
108. McDuff (1)
109. McEwan (1)
110. McFarland (1)
111. McFarlane (2)
112. McGilchrist (1)
113. McGill (2)
114. McGregor (1)
115. McGruder (6)
116. McGrudy (1)
117. McIlduie (1)
   118. McIntyre (2)
119. McKellar (1)
120. McLachlan (5)
121. McLean (3)
122. McMichael (1)
123. McMillan (2)
124. McNab (4)
125. McNeil (3)
126. McNeill (2)
127. McNicol (3)
128. McPheeters (4)
129. McPherson (1)
130. McSwene (1)
131. McSwine (1)
132. McVicar (2)
133. Meadows (2)
134. Meeking (2)
135. Meiklejohn (1)
136. Melville (2)
137. Menteith (2)
138. Menzies (20)
139. Meredith (3)
140. Metcalf (2)
141. Michael (1)
142. Miclgheil (1)
143. Middleton (5)
144. Miller (2)
145. Mills (1)
146. Miln (1)
147. Minifie (1)
148. Minton (1)
149. Mistress (9)
150. Mitchell (13)
151. Mitford (1)
152. Mobley (3)
153. Moekau (2)
154. Moffat (2)
155. Moir (1)
156. Molling (1)
   157. Monck (1)
158. Moncrieff (2)
159. Moncur (1)
160. Monro (1)
161. Monteath (1)
162. Montgomerie (1)
163. Montgomery (15)
164. Monttgomerie (1)
165. Moore (3)
166. Mor (1)
167. Morehead (1)
168. Morehu (1)
169. Morgan (1)
170. Morison (1)
171. Morris (2)
172. Morrison (4)
173. Morshead (1)
174. Mortimer (1)
175. Mosman (1)
176. Mothers (1)
177. Motte (1)
178. Mouat (1)
179. Mould (1)
180. Moulton (1)
181. Mr (1)
182. Muir (2)
183. Mumford (1)
184. Munro (6)
185. Murdoch (4)
186. Mure (9)
187. Murray (19)
188. Murrell (2)
189. Mushet (1)
190. Mussay (3)
191. Mylne (2)

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1. Napier (4)
2. Nehua (1)
3. Neil (2)
4. Neill (1)
   5. NeillMacLachlan (1)
6. Neilson (2)
7. Nevay (1)
8. Niall (1)
   9. Nicholl (1)
10. Nicholson (2)
11. Nicoli (1)
12. Nicoll (1)
   13. Nicolson (1)
14. Nisbet (4)
15. Noble (1)
16. Noel-Paton (1)
   17. Nunn (2)
18. Nuorivaara (1)
19. Nutter (1)

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1. O'Connell (1)
2. O'Connor (1)
3. O'Donnel (1)
4. O'Dubhin (1)
   5. O'Duibhne (1)
6. O'Duibne (4)
7. O'Neill (2)
8. Oates (1)
   9. Oconochir (1)
10. Ogilvy (3)
11. Oliphant (3)
12. Orcht (1)
   13. Orde (1)
14. Orr (1)
15. Outlaw (1)
16. Owen (2)
   17. Ozran (1)

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1. Paget (2)
2. Palmer (2)
3. Park (1)
4. Parker (3)
5. Parks (1)
6. Parratt (1)
7. Parson (1)
8. partner (1)
9. Pascoe (1)
10. Pasley (1)
11. Paterson (3)
12. Patonga (1)
13. Patrick (3)
   14. Patterson (1)
15. Patullo (1)
16. Paul (1)
17. Pauline (1)
18. Payter (2)
19. Pearce (1)
20. Pearsall (2)
21. Pearson (1)
22. Peele (1)
23. Pelham-Clinton (1)
24. Pemberton (1)
25. Penn (1)
26. Penny (1)
   27. Pepper (1)
28. Pershall (1)
29. Peters (1)
30. Peterson (1)
31. Petheine (1)
32. Peto (1)
33. Pevehouse (1)
34. Peyton (1)
35. Philip (1)
36. Phillips (2)
37. Phillott (1)
38. Philpott (1)
39. Pickwood (1)
   40. Pierce (1)
41. Pilcher (4)
42. Pilot (1)
43. Pimrose (2)
44. Pinckney (1)
45. Pitcairn (1)
46. Pittman (1)
47. Playfair (1)
48. Pleydell-Bouverie (1)
49. Plomer (1)
50. Poage (1)
51. Pocklington (1)
52. Pollock (1)
   53. Poltalloch (1)
54. Porter (1)
55. Porterfield (1)
56. Poston (1)
57. Poutu (1)
58. Preston (4)
59. Price (1)
60. Priddell (1)
61. Pringle (2)
62. Pryce (1)
63. Pryse (2)
64. Pugh (1)
65. Pye (1)

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1. Queen (1)
   2. Quin (1)

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1. Radcliffe (1)
2. Raddock (1)
3. Rae (2)
4. Ragnhilda (1)
5. Raines (1)
6. Rait (1)
7. Rakeiwera (1)
8. Ramsay (2)
9. Ramsey (4)
10. Randulph (1)
11. Rankin (3)
   12. Rankine (1)
13. Raray (1)
14. Rattray (1)
15. Rawdon-Hastings (1)
16. Red (1)
17. Reed (1)
18. Reeks (1)
19. Reesman (1)
20. Reid (7)
21. Reidheugh (3)
22. Reinius (1)
   23. Rev (1)
24. Reynell-Pack (1)
25. Rich (2)
26. Richard (1)
27. Richardson (2)
28. Richmont (2)
29. Rigby (1)
30. Risher (1)
31. Roach (1)
32. Robart (1)
33. Robbins (1)
   34. Roberts (1)
35. Robertson (14)
36. Robertson-Glasglow (1)
37. Robieson (1)
38. Robins (1)
39. Robinson (2)
40. Robson (1)
41. Roche (1)
42. Rogers (2)
43. Rollo (1)
44. Rose (4)
   45. Ross (6)
46. Roxburgh (1)
47. Roy (1)
48. Royds (1)
49. Ruadh (3)
50. Ruaidr (1)
51. Russell (5)
52. Rutherford (2)
53. Ruthven (6)
54. Ryder (1)

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1. Salmon (2)
2. Salmond (1)
3. Sanderson (1)
4. Sandford (1)
5. Sawyer (1)
6. Sayers (1)
7. Scarlett (6)
8. Schaw (1)
9. Schawe (1)
10. Sclater (1)
11. Scotland (1)
12. Scott (11)
13. Scrimgeour (2)
14. Scrymgeour (2)
15. Seales (1)
16. Seeley (2)
   17. Self (1)
18. Sempill (2)
19. Sergeant (1)
20. Seton (2)
21. Sewell (1)
22. Seymour-Conway (1)
23. Shairp (1)
24. Shakespeare (3)
25. Shaw (1)
26. Sheffey (1)
27. Shelton (2)
28. Sherwen (1)
29. Shireburn (1)
30. Sidney (2)
31. Silvercraigs (1)
32. Silvestri (1)
   33. Simpson (1)
34. Sinclair (8)
35. Singleton (1)
36. Sitwell (2)
37. Skidmore (1)
38. Skirmers (1)
39. Slave (1)
40. Small (2)
41. Smissaert (1)
42. Smith (8)
43. Smollett (1)
44. Smythe (1)
45. Snodgrass (1)
46. Snow (1)
47. Somerled (1)
48. Somerset (1)
   49. Somerville (5)
50. Spalding (1)
51. Spears (1)
52. Spence (1)
53. St. Felix (1)
54. St. Luce (1)
55. Stanford (2)
56. Steel (1)
57. Steele (1)
58. Stenhouse (1)
59. Stepney (1)
60. Sterling (3)
61. Stevens (1)
62. Stevenson (4)
63. Stewart (119)
64. Stirling (5)
   65. Stockinger (1)
66. Stone (1)
67. Storer (1)
68. Story (1)
69. Strachur (1)
70. Strettell (1)
71. Strouvelle (1)
72. Stuart (12)
73. Stuart-Mackenzie (1)
74. Sutherland (2)
75. Sweeny (1)
76. Swinton (1)
77. Syme (1)
78. Szalasi (1)

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1. Taigh (1)
2. Tait (1)
3. Tako (3)
4. Talmash (2)
5. Tammelander (1)
6. Tate (2)
7. Taylor (4)
8. Taynuilt (1)
   9. Teague (1)
10. Teale (1)
11. Teiling (1)
12. Thomas (5)
13. Thompson (1)
14. Thomson (2)
15. Thriepland (1)
16. Thursby (1)
   17. Thynne (2)
18. Tobin (2)
19. Torrington (1)
20. Toschoch (1)
21. Tosheoch (1)
22. Toshoch (1)
23. Toshock (1)
24. Townshend (1)
   25. Trabue (1)
26. Trapaud (2)
27. Travis (1)
28. Treves (1)
29. Trigg (2)
30. Trimmer (1)
31. Trotter (4)
32. Troup (1)
   33. Trouson (1)
34. Tudor (1)
35. Turner (1)
36. Turnor (1)
37. Tweedle (1)
38. Twysden (1)

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1. UNK (1)
   2. unknown (10)
   3. Uraura (2)
   4. Urquhart (3)
   5. Uthwatt (1)

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1. V'I (1)
2. V'Iver (3)
3. Valentine (1)
4. Van Dyke (1)
   5. Vans (1)
6. Vansittart (1)
7. Vertue (1)
8. Vibart (1)
   9. Victoria (1)
10. Villiers (5)
11. Vincent (1)
12. Viner (2)
   13. von Cro (2)
14. von Schoultz (8)
15. von Veltheim (1)
16. von Weissenberg (1)
   17. von Westphalen (3)

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1. Wade (1)
2. Wade-Toby-Caulfield (1)
3. Waipata (1)
4. Waldrop\Woddrop (1)
5. Walker (5)
6. Walkinshaw (2)
7. Wallace (9)
8. Walsh (1)
9. Walter (1)
10. Warburton (2)
11. Ward (1)
12. Waring (1)
   13. Warrand (3)
14. Warren (1)
15. Waterbury (1)
16. Watkins (1)
17. Watson (1)
18. Watt (1)
19. Wauchope (1)
20. Wedderburn (4)
21. Wellesley (1)
22. Wemyss (1)
23. Wentworth (1)
24. Wenyss (1)
   25. Werge (1)
26. West (2)
27. Weston (3)
28. Wharton (1)
29. Whigham (1)
30. Whitcombe (1)
31. White (5)
32. Whitelock (1)
33. Whitfield (2)
34. Whyte (1)
35. Wife (13)
36. Wilde (1)
   37. Williams (6)
38. Williamson (1)
39. Willox (1)
40. Wilson (8)
41. Wilson-Johnston (1)
42. Winder (1)
43. Winnington (2)
44. Wishart (8)
45. Witter (1)
46. Wodehouse (1)
47. Woman (6)
48. Wood (3)
   49. Woodrow (1)
50. Woods (2)
51. Woodstock (1)
52. Woollery (1)
53. Wray (1)
54. Wright (3)
55. Wroughton (1)
56. Wyatt (1)
57. Wyndham (1)
58. Wynne (1)

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1. Yates (1)
   2. Yelverton (1)
   3. Yorke (3)
   4. Young (5)
   5. Yule (1)

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1. Ziadie (1)

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