What is a clan?

A clan is a group of people united by actual or perceived kinship or descent. Little doubt there was a progenitor who was first known as “Cam Beul”. Eventually one of the families associated with that name would become the Chiefs of the Clan. However, it should be clear from the beginning of our research that no one family has every made up a “clan”. The clan has always consisted of several related and unrelated families, whether they knew it or not! In effect, clans are “melting pots” of various families.

If your ancestors acted, walked, talked, fought, and died, gave birth, etc., as Campbells, then make no mistake, you are a Campbell. It is said in genetic genealogy that every person has two trees, a genealogical one, and a genetic one. They are not always the same tree! Some of the reasons already stated are only a few of why the two trees may not match up with one another. Please be aware of this fact and head into this fascinating world of genetic genealogy knowing up front that your lineage may not be directed related to the progenitors line, but one of the many other nearly 200 distinct genetic lineages that make up Clan Campbell. And with that, we welcome you!

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