What will the donation be used for?
Website costs: hosting, SSL certificate for encrypted data transfer, domain privacy, website maintenence
Website expansion: storage capacity, server upgrades, bandwidth, speed optimizations, advanced search capabilities, outside services integration and their cost, search engine optimization costs, awareness campaigns, newsletter campaigns
DNA testing: Testing of identified individuals that are identified by the DNA Team as being key to understand the whole of Clan Campbell and related families as described elsewhere.
Genealogy: Occasions might arise in which professional genealogical services might be require beyond the DNA to give a genealogical proof to the DNA results. The CCSNA genealogist Jules Anderson is only one person trying to handle thousands of inquiries outsid4e of her participation here in the DNA Project.. She would be in charge should the situation come up.
Purpose: So, there are two parts to this. The testing gets us the data we need, and the rest helps to present the results and what they mean to our genealogies. Improving genealogies across the board helps us all have confidence in the long run. Your donation will be greatly appreciated!
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